Hope 希望

The English translation is below.










聖書:テトスへの手紙 3:3-7

「わたしたち自身もかつては、無分別で、不従順で、道に迷い、種々の情欲と快楽のとりことなり、悪意とねたみを抱いて暮らし、忌み嫌われ、憎み合っていたのです。 しかし、わたしたちの救い主である神の慈しみと、人間に対する愛とが現れたときに、神は、わたしたちが行った義の業によってではなく、御自分の憐れみによって、わたしたちを救ってくださいました。この救いは、聖霊によって新しく生まれさせ、新たに造りかえる洗いを通して実現したのです。神は、わたしたちの救い主イエス・キリストを通して、この聖霊をわたしたちに豊かに注いでくださいました。こうしてわたしたちは、キリストの恵みによって義とされ、希望どおり永遠の命を受け継ぐ者とされたのです。


Hope (English translation)

Among the things we cannot see with our eyes, hope is one of the most important. When someone thinks there is no hope, the future seems dark and they lose their will to live. There are often reports in the news about some rich or famous person taking their own life. Why do people so easily throw away their own lives? It seems that they suffer from some pain or sorrow and become convinced that there is no solution, and then they lose hope. Human beings cannot live without hope.

On the other hand, there are people in very difficult situations who boldly go on living, enduing suffering and sorrows. Why don’t these people give up? They don’t give up, because they have hope. People who have hope live fully no matter what problems they face; they are not defeated by poverty, illness, disabilities, or any other problems.

For our human lives, hope is essential. We place our hope in many things, because we know in the bottom of our hearts that hope is essential. One person believes they will be happy if they are promoted to a manager position at work, so they place their hope in this goal. Another person places their hope in becoming famous, another in getting rich, another in getting married, another in having children, another in receiving healing, etc.

Each person thinks they will be happy if they achieve their goal, and they place their hope in that. But in this world, we cannot always get what we want, nor can we be sure that we will be happy even if we do reach our goal. The reality is that in many cases people do not feel satisfied even if they achieve all of their dreams. That is because the things of this world cannot fully satisfy the human heart. Even if someone possesses everything this world has to offer, they can still feel dissatisfied and lose hope.

So, how can we have a hope that lasts forever? We have to place our hope in something that transcends this world. The Bible teaches that we should place our hope in the Lord Jesus. Speaking of Jesus, Matthew 12:20-21 says: “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he leads justice to victory. In his name the nations will put their hope.” From these verses we can see that Jesus is a righteous judge, and at the same time He is also a gentle Savior.

Together with Christians around the world, I have placed my hope in Jesus. I live with an unshakeable hope. In this life, I still experience have many sad and painful experiences, but because I have a close relationship with Jesus, I fell certain that I will never lose hope.


How about you? Would you like to have a life filled with hope? If you want that kind of life, then you can ask Jesus sincerely from the bottom of your heart and begin to walk with Jesus from this moment on.

After you have placed your hope in Jesus, reading the Bible carefully and attending church to hear explanations of the Scriptures will help you to grow spiritually. As a first small step, you can begin by looking at the Scripture below. May the Lord Jesus give you a life overflowing with abundant hope!

Titus 3:3-7

“At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.”